Black Paris Tours Calendar

Black Paris Tours now operate YEAR ROUND Monday-Saturday except during the winter months when we offer tours on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays!

French Holidays France ranks number four among countries with the most holidays, with a total of 36 holidays, including 25 statutory holidays and 11 public holidays.

A French holiday will include parades and festivities or a city that looks like a ghost town with most Paris residents out of town. Restaurants, major attractions and museums may be open on major holidays (check online), but you can count on stores and shops being closed (as most are on Sundays) and the Paris transportation system running on a slower holiday schedule.

French Holidays The French people celebrate several holidays during the year.

​Legal holidays celebrated are:

  • New Year's Day-January 1st

  • Easter Sunday and Easter Monday

  • Labor Day-May 1st

  • Liberation Day-May 8th (Marks the end of WWI)

  • Ascension Thursday-celebrated 40 days after Easter (the ascension of Christ into Heaven)

  • Pentecost Sunday & Pentecost Monday-observed the 7th Sunday & following Monday after Easter

  • Bastille Day-July 14th (commemorates the storming of Bastille)

  • Assumption Day-August 15 (elevation of Virgin Mary)

  • All Saints Day-November 1st (commemorating the saints)

  • Armistice Day-November 11th (signing of the armistice at the end of WWII)

  • Christmas-December 25th

  • Boxing Day-December 26th

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Eiffel Tower under blue sky during daytime
Eiffel Tower under blue sky during daytime
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